Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Phottix battery grip BP-D90 for nikon d80/d90

Original phottix battery grip for sale! Now comes with a new and better packaging, ensuring better protection of your grip during postage and storage!

Posses similar functions as the original battery grip ( vertical shutter, half press autofocus, AE and AF lock button, 2 separate dials to adjust shutter speeds and aperture)

Comes with an AA battery magazine where u can use AA batteries in your camera! very convenient.

Can also be used when only 1 battery is present.

Price: RM240 (including postage).

Interested, sms to 0142676204 or email to

Kedai Kamera dan Aksesori

Jangan lupa untuk menghubungi kami untuk sebarang aksesori keperluan anda! :D atau 0142676204. penghantaran keseluruh malaysia disediakan :D

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